Hi my name is Muhammad Elşami, I’m 26 years old, I’m a Computer Engineer and I work as a Mobile Developer, I speak Arabic, Turkish and English.
I graduated from Sivas Cumhuriyet University Computer Engineering Department.
I work in the field of Android applications development, I have worked in the field of web applications development, I volunteered as an assistant in more than one bootcamp within the scope of Kodluyoruz.
Im proficient in Kotlin and Java programming languages and frameworks. I have also developed products that include tools and technologies such as SQLite, Room, Rest Api, Firebase Services, MVVM, Coroutine and Git.
I have a great ambition to continue developing my skills and aspire to work in a collaborative environment. I work on all aspects of the development lifecycle.
I have knowledge of OOP, MVVM and MVC principles, My work includes building user-focused, innovative, keep user security and performance UI, and developing clean code with teamwork.
I have experience in Rest API, Retrofit, Room Database, RX java , databinding, online payment, E-commerce App, Firebase, Google Play Services, Google Admob, Butterknife-Library, Service, Broadcast Receiver , Short experience in dagger and kotlin coroutines, and power to use GitHub to work with a team.
I'm an Android dev in both languages Java and Kotlin, I have 2 years experience of working on a variety of projects.
I had some work in web development. I've built projects using html, css, js, php and mysql.
I have worked on embedded systems, I have prepared projects using Arduino and many different modules.
Some simple personal projects I’ve done
You can always ask me questions about Android development, web development, Arduino, robotics, programming fundamentals and algorithms.
You can ask me any questions you have in mind.